Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thursday Thoughts - Random Ramblings

Linking up with Jen over at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom for Thursday Thoughts today!
  • Last weekend was pretty low key. We went to our friend’s condo for a BBQ and swimming but the weather was pretty crappy so the only swimming that was done was in the hot tub. It wasn’t too hot and EM loved being in there, especially since she was able to walk around the whole perimeter’s seats without going under the water.
  • This weekend will be pretty low key as well. No real plans besides EM’s swim lessons. EM “graduated” from Infant School - Part 1 of Swim Lessons last weekend (she’s doing pretty good and seems to enjoy it!) and Part 2 starts Saturday. I won’t lie though, when these lessons are over in August, I’ll be one happy Momma,8am lessons – every single Saturday AND Sunday for 3 months, sucks! I take her Saturdays and G takes her Sundays but it still sucks to set an alarm on the weekend, especially when EM would normally sleep till after 8. 
  •  I’m getting my monthly pre-natal massage tomorrow, and I still stand that they are NO WHERE as good as regular massages, but I still look forward to it each month! I just REALLY look forward to my first post-natal massage after the baby is born and I can lay on my back/stomach and have my favorite masseuse again (she’s not certified for pre-natal so I have to use someone else). I love getting every other Friday off!
  • We are attempting EM’s 18 month photos again tomorrow. The photographer didn’t like how they came out when we took some a few weeks ago although she did post one really good one,  but since she didn't like them overall, we’re going someplace else and trying again. Hopefully since it’s earlier in the day, EM will be in a better mood too. Speaking of photos, we won a free photo shoot (by a different photographer) from a Facebook contest I entered. Thanks to everyone who voted!
  • I’ve been watching way too much TV lately. I’ve seriously had dreams related to 19 Kids and Counting twice this week! I don’t really recall the dreams, but I know they were related. Since I’ve been marathoning through their current season, it really has me thinking… what is wrong with a front –hug and hand holding? (and kissing for that matter)? You’d think their values are so strong and they are such good kids (well adults) that they could be trusted to practice self-control and stay pure (and I don’t think hand holding and kissing makes you impure) without a chaperone. I mean these kids are in their 20’s! I think a lot of their beliefs are way too extreme and a little “crazy” – BUT I do think they are good people, with good hearts, that do a lot of good things for the community. My friend and I was discussing this yesterday and she said “They’re good people and contribute to the world in a positive way. If anyone is having 19 kids, I’m glad it’s them” and I couldn’t agree more. There are plenty of people who are recklessly having children, living off the government, etc  and whereas I think 19 Kids is too many (remember I think 2 is good lol), I’d much rather have people like the Duggers doing it. They also live debt-free which many people with ZERO kids can maintain, so that is something to be praised for (although at THIS point they are probably making a ton of money from the TV series, but that wasn’t always the case).
  • On the TV topic, I just can’t seem to really get into the Bachelorette yet this season. The last two seasons (Juan Pablo and Des) we did our own Fantasy League and it was a ton of fun, but this season we are using a website for the Fantasy League and it works a little differently (saves us a lot of time though so we don’t have to manually do anything) and I’ve already lost my 3 guys, so I’m stuck in last place. The way we did it on our own, even if you lost your team, you could still earn points other ways (although would still be hard to win, but at least you could move up in the rankings). I’m hoping once the group of guys dwindles down a little more, than I’ll be more “into it”. I also think they did a very good job with acknowledging and honoring Eric Hill’s death. This was certainly a “first” for ABC and if I was his family, I would have been happy with the way they handled it. It seems like ABC put a lot of thought into what would be the “right thing to do” and succeeded. He seemed like a genuinely good guy (not the RIGHT guy for Andi though, hence his exit) and it’s a shame he lost his life so young and tragically.
What are you up to this weekend? Doing anything exciting?

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